Survey „The Point Of Care Ultrasonography” at the Family Medicine and Ambulatory Medicine
(PoCUS=Emergency Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound, and Clinician-Performed Ultrasound)
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to participate at the survey, released by the EUVEKUS, which mainly aims is the development and promotion of clinical ultrasonography at the primary and ambulatory health care practice.
The project called: "The Point of Care Ultrasonography (PoC-US) in Family Medicine", is a new concept for family medicine, which was included only a few curricula at the European level of Primary Care to which I was involved, up to this moment, and this will be a great challenge for us.
Basically, we want to be, the initiators for the recommendation to use the PoC-US applications in primary care. Of course, these applications will be recommended to a Basic Level.
I should mention, that we have the support of Prof.Dr. Adrian Saftoiu – the EFSUMB President Elect - European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology(, and of Dr. Călin Bumbuluț, MD, FP – Vice-President of the European Union of General Practitioners/UEMO, board member of the European Union of Medical Specialists/UEMS( , who were join us at the PoC- US – Workshop Presentation organized by us, to the Wonca Europe Conference, held in Copenhagen - (abstract entitled “The Point of care ultrasonography (POC-US) in family medicine - present and perspectives (Paper No. 257) on Thursday, 16 June 2016, 15:00 - 16:00.)
EUVEKUS wants to facilitate communication and collaboration among the WONCA EUROPE, EGPRN, EURACT, UEMO, and EFSUMB, around this idea. Certainly, after this stage of recommendations, the experts will have to establish protocols and guidelines for possible applications which I think will be beneficial to all. But we, want to start now, with this new topic of general ultrasound applications at the family doctors practice and to other medical specialties from the Ambulatory Medicine.
We need to do a brainstorming, about what we can apply and we cannot apply, yet in primary care. We introduced in our questionnaire some PoCUS applications, that are contained in the various curriculum of other medical specialties, which we will send you now, and with respectfully we ask you to fill in, being just a few brief questions, that can be completed within five minutes.
We try to be as pragmatic and concise, in this century of speed.
Note: You do not need, to have experience in this field, being just a survey about your expectations related to clinical ultrasound theme. Practicing of the sonography is not necessary to complete this survey. There are no wrong answers. It's just a physician's opinion polling. Your opinion is important to us. I thank, to all colleagues, who had already completed this survey.
You can access the questionnaire, on line directly, from the email address below:
This questionnaire has a EGPRN version, and was sent to our colleagues, so please if you want to join us, even out of curiosity, to complete this survey. Till now, we have more than 400 answers of the family doctors, to this survey.
An article on this ongoing project was published in the World Book of Family Medicine - Iberoamericana Edition 2016 entitled: Chapter 79 – „Evidence at the Point of Care of Ultrasonography in Family Medicine.” The link to this article can be found below:
P.S. If you have colleagues interested in this topic, to other towns in your country, or in other European countries, please forward them, this email.
Please tell me your opinion related to this subject.
Kind regards,
Dr. Mihai Iacob. MD
President of EUVEKUS.
► Coordinator of the Ultrasound Working Group