Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot conduct the EUROSON POCUS SCHOOL VIENNA under the auspices of EFSUMB (European Federation of Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology) as planned, and this conference will be postponed at a later date.
The probable date proposed by the organizing committee of this conference is 04-05 December 2020.
We're try to find another appropriate solution since the interests of our patients and participants are our highest priority.
We will inform you as soon as possible about any update.
EUVEKUS, EADUS, Vienna, Austria,
► Europäische Vereinigung für die Entwicklung von Klinischen Ultraschalluntersuchungen im Ambulanten Gesundheitswesen. ► EUVEKUS
► European Association for the Development of Clinical Ultrasonography în Ambulatory Health Care (Outpatient Health Care). ► EADUS
Dr. Mihai IACOB - EUVEKUS President.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you at the upcoming EFSUMB Endorsed Conference - EUROSON POCUS SCHOOL 2020.
The Conference is organized by EUVEKUS with the support of MDX Research.
The theme of the Conference, The Point of Care Ultrasonography in Primary Health Care and Ambulatory Care - Updates and Perspectives, reflects the collaboration to advance common approaches aimed to improve early diagnostic through ultrasonography techniques.
EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL 2020 will host over 200 delegates and approximately 10 world-renowned faculty from Europe. The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, and skills through workshops. In addition, this activity will provide a platform for networking with many of the Europe’s leading experts, focusing on reviewing and assessing best practices in ultrasonography. The meeting program will include presentations, hands-on training and a number of informal social gatherings.
Our main objectives and goal are to promote and develop the practice of Clinical Ultrasonography in Ambulatory Medicine of various specialties, but with special interest at the family doctors/GPs from all European countries.
The European Ulrasound Working Group – EUVEKUS/EADUS has several subsidiaries in several countries ( Greece, Poland, Germany, Malta, Spain, Israel, Romania).
In collaboration with Professors from several universities and organizations from Austria and other European countries, we organize a series of courses: the Point of Care Ultrasonography, FOCUS, FAST workshops at different levels: basic, medium and advanced in English.
The participants are primary care physicians and other physicians of various specialties (internal medicine, pediatrics, etc.) from ambulatory healthcare throughout all European countries, and we are connected to the WONCA, EURACT, EGPRN, EURIPA, EFSUMB networks. The courses will be held in English, organized in two modules with a theoretical part followed by the Hands-on session and will be under the auspices of EFSUMB (European Federation of Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology) - Endorsed EFSUMB Courses.
This format of Workshops organized by us had already been held at:
1. The WONCA Conference Copenhagen EGPRN Workshop - The Point of care ultrasonography (POC-US) in family medicine -present and perspectives,
2. The EUROSON Conference in Poznan (1WS and 3 oral presentations),
3. The EURIPA Conference in Israel (four WSs organized by us in Jerusalem),
4. The EFSUMB Endorsed Course – POCUS in Family Medicine – First Edition, June 22nd, 2019 - Vienna, AUSTRIA.
5. WONCA Conference Bratislava – WS - The PoC- US applications - The basic ultrasound diagnosis in the abdominal and pelvic pathology - An effective diagnostic tool for the family physicians practice, EUVEKUS workshop.
6. EFSUMB Endorsed Course - The Point of Care Ultrasonography in Family Medicine –Basic principles of Thyroid Ultrasonography in current medical practice and modern assessment of diffuse and focal pathology, Brasov, Romania.
We are promoting the introduction of Point of Care Ultrasonography, in the European Family Physician Training Curriculum, as a current method for improving positive and differential diagnosis in primary healthcare.
Topics for discussion at the EUROSON POCUS SCHOOL 2020:
1. Limits in diagnosis WITHOUT ultrasonography.
2. Uses of POCUS in primary care. Results of a European Survey released in the research networks in primary care (EGPRN, EURACT, WONCA) regarding the Point of Care Ultrasonography applications in Family Medicine and different applications usable in primary care.
3. The PoC- US applications- The basic ultrasound diagnosis in abdominal and pelvic pathology – an efficient tool diagnosis for the family physicians' practice. Examination Technique and Sonoanatomy
4. FAST Exam – Focused Abdominal Sonography in Trauma.
5. Introduction to the Thyroid Clinical Ultrasound. The technique of thyroid ultrasonographic examination.
6. Computerized diagnostic algorithm for the practice of thyroid ultrasound in the family doctor's office (Smart Thyroid Ultrasound Software).
7. Ultrasound based Elastography. Strain Elastography as a useful tool in daily practice. EFSUMB Guidelines.
8. FOCUS (Focused Cardiac UltraSound) or Rapid Cardiac Assessment (RCA). Basic Cardiac Ultrasound for non-cardiologists.
More details about EUROSON POCUS SCHOOL will be coming soon.
Kind regards,
Dr. Mihai IACOB, MD, Senior Medical Expert.
You can register and and make the payment here:

Dr. Mihai IACOB
EUVEKUS President

Prof. Dr. Shlomo VINKER
WONCA President

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dana STOIAN
UMFVB Timisoara

Prof. Dr. Albert VARGA
University of Szeged


Prof. Dr. Paul S. SIDHU
EFSUMB Former President

Prof. Dr. Roxana SIRLI
UMFVB Timisoara

Dr. Carla SERRA
University of Bologna

Dr. Mateusz KOSIAK
University of Gdansk